Determining for an output capacity of dimension stone exploitation from the computer simulations to generate the fracture network in 3D: case study in some dimensional stone quarries in Vietnam
In dimension stone quarry exploitations such as the marble
quarry, a literature review of the existing numerical modelling techniques
has been carried out. According to Distinct Element Method,
discontinuities have been treated as boundary conditions between blocks
and, consequently, an accurate knowledge of joint distribution and
orientation was required. The result of analyzing data and simulating in the
fracture rock environment, which is applied to a mining condition of the
dimensional stone quarries. The research we introduce in the output
capacity of the dimension stone quarry from the computer simulations to
generate the fracture network in 3D with an aim of evaluating the size of
the blocks. The results of numerical models have been used to optimize
some of the technical parameters for dimensional stone extraction and
ensuring stable bench in the mining operation.
Copyright (c) 2022 Anh Tuan NGUYEN ,Van Hoa PHAM ,Van Viet PHAM ,Van Quyen LE ,Thi Hai LE ,Tuan Anh NGUYEN

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