Assessing the current status of underground mine ventilation system in ThanhCong- CaoThang area, HonGai coal company, QuangNinh region, Vietnam

  • Cao Khai NGUYEN
  • Van Thinh NGUYEN
  • Van Quang NGUYEN


In underground mine ventilation, there are many causes affecting the efficiency
of mine ventilation, even affecting mine safety. In order to have an effective mine ventilation
system, the research and evaluation of mine ventilation, in order to get timely solutions to
improve the efficiency of mine ventilation, is essential and must be done. regularly.
Thanh Cong - Cao Thang coal mine area of Hon Gai Coal Company, Quang Ninh region, Vietnam
is a mine exploited underground. The nature of this mine is the consolidation (connecting) of
Thanh Cong areas and CaoThang areas in the period of 2016. After consolidation into Thanh Cong
- Cao Thang mine, many factors in the mine ventilation system of The mine site is altered and
affects the efficiency of mine ventilation. This article has analyzed and evaluated the current status
of Thanh Cong - Cao Thang Area Ventilation System to help research and select appropriate
solutions to promptly improve the efficiency of mine ventilation and ensure security, ensure a safe
environment and reduce the cost of mine ventilation.
