Study on some solutions for enlarging the application scope of the fully mechanized longwall coal mining technology according to seam dip angle at underground coal mines in Quang Ninh coalfield
The paper summarizes the applied experience, the technical
solutions to limit the adverse effects of slope angle in the mechanized
longwall mining at underground mines in the world. The paper proposes
some solutions for enlarging the application field of the fully mechanized
longwall mining technology according to seam dip angle at underground
coal mines belonging to Vinacomin. In the article exploitation methods of
coal seams of medium to thick thickness with dip angle above 20° designed
for mechanized longwall were presented.
Copyright (c) 2022 Trung NGUYEN DUC,Waldemar KORZENIOWSKI,Krzysztof SKRZYPKOWSKI,Nguyen PHAM TRUNG
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