Improvement of State Institution on Mineral Resources Management and Exploitation in Vietnam
Vietnam's mining industry has a long history with mines distributed throughout the country. It
has contributed significantly to national economic growth. However, it also causes negative impacts on
the environment, thereby affecting sustainable development and mineral resource management.
Therefore, mineral resource management is one of the most critical tasks of state management. The factors
that directly affect this issue are the institutional system and state management tools by the law. State
institutions are an essential tool to regulate behaviors and establish social orders and disciplines in all
fields, including mineral resources management. This article presents the current law on managing and
exploiting mineral resources to provide orientations and solutions to improve the state institution on these
activities in Vietnam. Based on clarifying the theory of state institutions and analyzing the current legal
document systems in Viet Nam, the paper emphasizes the role of appraisal in improving the quality of
legal documents and perfecting state institutions.
Copyright (c) 2021 Ngoc Huyen PHAM ,Thi Hoai Nga NGUYEN ,Quoc Long NGUYEN ,Quoc Cuong NGUYEN ,Ngoc Bich NGUYEN
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