Strengthening Inspection and Audit of Occupational Safety and Health in Coal Mining Enterprises in Vietnam
Coal mining is one of the heavy, hazardous industries. Therefore, workers in this industry
always face high risks of occupational accidents and diseases. According to the annual report of the
Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA), the situation of occupational accidents and
illnesses in the mining sector in recent years has increased both in terms of number and severity, and this
includes fatal occupational accidents in the coal mining industry. Currently, the authorities have been
implementing inspection of occupational safety and health (OSH) to prevent and limit the situation. In the
scope of this article, the author focuses on clarifying the position and the role of OSH inspecting while
presenting and analyzing the results of the inspection of OSH legislation compliance within the coal
mining industry nationwide. From there, proposing several solutions to strengthen inspection of OSH,
prevent and limit occupational accidents and diseases in the coming time, contributing to improving the
efficiency of state management of OSH in the coal mining industry in Vietnam today.
Copyright (c) 2021 Kim Tu NGO
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