Assessment of Change in Urban Green Spaces Using Sentinel 2 MSI Data and GIS Techniques: A Case Study in Thanh Hoa City, Vietnam
This paper presents the results of an assessment of change in urban green spaces in Thanh Hoa
city (Vietnam). Sentinel 2 MSI data in 2015 and 2021 are used to calculate 3 parameters: percentage of
green, weight of green types, and weight of proximity to green. These parameters are used to calculate the
Weighted Urban Green Space Index (WUGSI). The final result shows the distribution of green space in
the study area consisted of very high-quality green, high-quality green, moderate quality green, and low
quality green. The obtained results show that the quality of urban green space in Thanh Hoa city has
changed significantly in the period 2015-2021, in which the area with category “low quality green space”
increased from 7.17% up to 9.48%; areas with category “very high-quality green space” reduced from
65.02% to 47.39%.
Copyright (c) 2021 Viet Nghia NGUYEN ,Le Hung TRINH ,Thi Thu Nga NGUYEN ,Thi Le LE

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