Determination of The Optimal Dosage of Chemical Compounds in the Wastewater Treatment Process in Trang Bach Coal Mine: the Laboratory Scale
The pH index of Trang Bach coal mine wastewater ranges from 2,8 to 6, meanwhile, the content of Fe, Mn, and turbidity & suspended
solids (TSS) are rather high and it is impossible to discharge the wastewater directly to the environment. In order to achieve
the requirement of QCVN 40:2011/BTNMT standard – The national standard for industrial wastewater quality after treatment of
Vietnam and other purposes, the wastewater need to be treated by several methods such as coagulation-flocculation or sedimentation.
In this article, we intend to find the optimal dosages of chemical compounds for the TSS, pH, Fe and Mn treatment process
for Trang Bach coal mine wastewater in the laboratory modular.
Copyright (c) 2021 Manh Ha DOAN,Waldemar MIJAŁ

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