Selected Aspects of Building and Developing a Modern High-Performing Team

  • Mieczysław ŚLÓSARZ Dr eng. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mining and Geoengineering, Department ofEconomics and Management In Industry, 30 059 Cracow, Poland;
Keywords: management, teams, personality traits, conflicts


The publication presents selected issues related to the creation, development and retention of staff teams. It discusses team building
stages and the characteristics of modern teams. Another discussedaspect is the identification of team characteristics according to
Belbin’s concept and their relevance for the selection of team members. Outdoor training is presented as a form of team development.
The publication also presents conflicts in a team, their causes and conflict-solving methods as well as the characteristics of a
good leader.

How to Cite
ŚLÓSARZ, M. (2021). Selected Aspects of Building and Developing a Modern High-Performing Team. Test, 1(1).